The official foundation of SaCO was laid on 01.01.1995 with the aim of:


  • Creating an organisation structure that would, through the distribution of a systematised SaCO self-defence, make possible the education of instructors and acknowledge a gradual system.
  • Preserving the authentic military close combat fighting system of the NPA (National People's Army) of the former GDR (German Democratic Republic) because there is no comparable existing system in the Federal Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany.


1989 - 1993

After the political change in the former GDR in 1989 and the reunion of the two German states in 1990, close combat fighting lost meaning. Many outstanding experts in East Germany used their ability and established sport fight clubs or led self-defence courses for the people.
In addition, Frank Pelny conducted trainings with work securities, criminal police, military police and hand-to-hand combat specialists of the Federal Armed Forces. With this experience, he analysed and managed to come up with a realistic system of self-defence, which he integrated, into the existing close combat system.

The systematised self-defence is represented and described by Frank Pelny in his book
"FAKT - line handbook of self-defence for security in private industry", self-published through Mr. Ernst Friday from Wilhelmshaven in 1992.

In 1993, the first apprenticeship video, in which systematised self-defence at the time can be seen, was generated.

A temporary total representation of the close combat military system including self-defence, resulted in the book "GJOGSUL - Duel in case of emergency", which in was in 1996 released by Kabinett-Verlag / Switzerland (ISBN 906572-02-1; with about 198 pages and 400 photos)

1994 - today

Together with Egbert Guldat, a long time training comrade, Frank Pelny expanded the system. For example, the practice sequence with partners was developed, the famous weapon drills with which the acquisition and automation of the weapon technique were revised. Complex exercises for the different weapons were also created. The systematic self-defence was also permanently perfected. The graduation system was also repeatedly revised and finally perfected. The result was the SaCO emblem. 

The resulting system was called SaCO - SELF-DEFENSE and CLOSE COMBAT ORGANIZATION. It united in appropriate form the effective systematised self-defence and rehearsed military closed combat fights. Through this, it is possible to teach a system and nevertheless uncover different specialized substitute areas.


On the 23.08.1995, SaCO was recognised as a trademark through the German patent office in Munich.
SaCO is since 27.02.2000 a group member in the Karate association of the federal state Thuringia.
SaCO is also recognised by the paratrooper-association east. As the organisation that preserves the authentic military close combat fighting.

In the mean time, there are SaCO training groups in many of the german states. Even the American policemen, to who this system was introduced, reacted enthusiastically. SaCO intends to spread to America and the rest of the world in the coming years.

SaCO - Organisation Structure

SaCO consists of:


  • the SaCO-presidency with MASTER-INSTRUCTORS who organise the SaCO business locations.
  • the SaCO - training groups and schools

SaCO - Orders

SaCO as a working foundation has 5 orders:


  • Organisation order,
  • Study order,
  • Test and licence order,
  • Fees order,
  • Fee orders for examiners,


English was selected as the concept language so that with the expansion of SaCO outside Germany, a language spoken and understood by the majority would there. During training, commands and explanations from the trainers are given in respective mother tongues.

SaCO - Education Programs

  • 5 student degrees in 10 levels.
    Yellow, orange, green, blue and brown belts. Every degree is tested at two levels:

    • B-Test (coloured belt)
    • A-Test (coloured belt with red stripes)

  • 4 master degrees

SaCO - Education Contents

The gradual levels are tested in five areas:

  1. Form
    B: complex tests without weapons;
    A: complex training with weapons, weapon-drills;
  2. Technical effectiveness 
    B: techniques with the paws;
    A: lever / nerve pressure points, throwing techniques;
  3. Command techniques
    A: fall school, defences on ground, transport techniques, special situations.
  4. Theory
    B: legal foundations, psychological foundations, vulnerable body positions, rules of conduct;
  5. Defence ability
    B: hand-to-hand combat drill;
    A: weapon fight circle;
    B+A: self-defence fight circle.


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