Gjogsul - Militärischer Nahkampf in der NVA
Gjogsul - Militärischer Nahkampf in der NVA
Frank Pelny
Hardcover, A5 size, about 550 photos and illustrations, in German only
29,- €

Military close combat in the NPA – a topic, that surrounds the coat of a secret up to the present-day day. The military specialists of the national people-army (NPA) of the former German democratic republic (GDR) like paratroopers, seals and reconnaissances was famous for their abilities in the fight man against man. With innumerable presentations could itself from it in – and foreign observers convince. However like developed the close combat-training in the NPA? Which techniques without and with arms and with which arms was taught? How did the secret North Korean Gjogsul close combat system come include it into the NPA trainings program and something? This book gives answers for it with over 550 photos as well as drawings descriptively for the first time.
Frank Pelny, 10 years as officer in the special-units of the pristine GDR active, actively participated with the development of the military close combat in the NPA. He was a principal actor in a close combat training film, written education-records for the armed forces and was active as close combat-instructor and police-trainers.
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